Chen Li-Hsin 陳麗昕



Born in 1994, Chen Li hsin graduated from arts department of Chang Jung Christian University.


Her works focus on realistic flower-and-bird paintings with exquisite brushes, so that viewers can feel the feeling of colors in the picture. The artist is good at using light color setting to make her works have rich layers of colors, and applies multilayer ink to dye the sense of messiness on the objects. Or she uses white powder to reinforce the theme, building the illusion of light, adding phantom mystique to the paintings. 

She not only uses the traditional Chinese painting pigments, also joins the mineral pigments and gold foil. Viewers can see that she is continually seeking the expression of tradition and innovation on the picture based on her solid painting skills.


Nowadays, many artists still keep improving the skill of expressing light and shadow. Although the artist focuses on pictorial Chinese flower-and-bird paintings, but she also integrates into the western method of expressing light and shadow. With smooth and delicate brushes, rich emotions, fresh and lively colors giving warmth to the picture, audience can feel the ubiquitous poetry in her works.


Her painting style is gentle, meticulous and unique. Compared with the traditional Chinese ink, there is no limit in the materials and no exaggerate breakthroughs, just expressing the aesthetics that she feels. The artist innovates from the tradition and paints for moral improvement.



2019  深圳城市藝博,深圳 

2019  藝術廣東,廣東

2019  瀨戶內海藝術祭,日本

2019  深圳國際藝術博覽會

2019  立梵藝術博覽會,

2019  廈門當代藝術博覽會

2019  上海城市藝術博覽會

2018  深圳國際藝術博覽會,深圳,深圳會展中心

2018  ART FORMOSA 福爾摩沙藝術博覽會,台北,誠品行旅。

2018  紅茶八分糖共茗書畫社八人聯展,淡水,新北市文化局滬水一方展覽館。

2018  青蘋果共茗書畫社六人小品展,台北,找地方坐藝文咖啡廳

2018  林郁芬陳麗昕雙人聯展,找地方坐藝文咖啡廳,台北。

2017  餘春煙花共茗書畫社書畫展,欣榮紀念圖書館暨玉蘭文化會館,南投。

2016  ART KAOHSIUNG 高雄藝術博覽會,城市商旅,高雄。

2016  微肉沙丘多肉主題聯展,鑫富都建設沙丘南特早午餐,高雄。
2016  共茗書畫社同名共茗書畫社書畫展,八拾捌茶輪番所,台北。